As for Tell and Ask posts

 For the holidays you want to hit, create what I call "social lubricant" posts: "Wishing you the warmth of the season this Christmas," "We appreciate all those who have served" for Veteran's Day, "Happy 4th of July," and so forth. When I count total posts, I disregard Social Lubricant posts.

If you're planning sales based around any holiday, put those Sell posts together next. ("President's Day mattress sale - come in before the 22nd to get the best prices of the season!") I keep Sell posts to around 20% of all posts made.

As for Tell and Ask posts, I try to keep each category to about 40% of the total posts (besides Social Lubricant posts), so that with Sell posts, you come up to 100% of all posts made. Since you'll probably want to trying to get new people to Like your Facebook page, don't be afraid of repeating Tell posts every once in a while. "Don't forget - click this link to join our email list, and get 20% off your next order," or "We're closed on Mondays, but open the other 6 days a week."

Obviously, the next step is to log into your FB page and, using the Publishing Tools, start creating and scheduling the posts you've been working on. I recommend attaching pictures or video to about 90% of your posts. I'll be covering Media in an upcoming article, so stay tuned! Make sure your posts follow a schedule. It could be once a week, twice a month - it doesn't matter. Your readers' minds will grab onto the pattern repetition.

Because life - and business - is all about change, leave plenty of room in your schedule to write posts on the fly. If a Tell or an Ask comes to you, go ahead and write it and post it immediately. Just don't forget to check your schedule first, to make sure you're not duplicating a post.

For years, my wife bought me Franklin Planners for Christmas, and I never used them. I have a very good memory, and can keep a great deal of info stored in my noggin. However, since I started creating posts for up to fifteen clients at any given time, I've embraced planners whole-heartedly! As I write this, it's early December and I already have four different planners sitting on my desk. One is completely filled for next year already with posts I have to make for my own company. One planner has the schedule for my non-profit clients, and another has the schedule of posts just for my restaurant clients. You can probably get away with just having one planner or calendar.


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